Its nearly 9PM and I still don't have the laundry folded, which I suppose I'll manage after I get done with this post. Its been a busy weekend and I'm about worn out. Good thing I can go back to work tomorrow to rest up!
Lets see: Friday night was movie date night and we went to see
Hannibal Rising. Its the story of Hanibal Lector's childhood and explains in a very creepy and suspenseful story, how Hannibal became the scary character in all the other stories. It
was creepy. Its all about revenge. If you liked Silence of the Lambs, or Red Dragon, you owe it to yourself to go see this movie too. Surprisingly, the theater was nearly empty, which was odd for a movie at prime time on a Friday night, for a movie that opened that same night. Anyway, the spouse and I both really liked this movie and afterwards it was supper at Village Inn before heading home.
Saturday, friend Kenny came over and we made two shooting benches for future shooting trips. We cleared out a corner of the shop and built some dandy tables. We bought legs from Harbor Freight and they turned out to be a little too short, so we either need to find some supports to fit under them or a way to extend the legs. Otherwise, they turned out perfectly and I can't wait to give them a try.
Afterwards I took the spouse to her Viking Embroidery software training at Wimmers. The young fellow, Spencer was quite helpful and he covered just about all the essential steps to making personalized designs in just over an hour. It was a little distracting since all the other members of the Wimmers staff were busy moving furniture and pulling up the very-many-years old shag carpet. All that fun made it a little difficult to pay attention but we did get good help on using the software.
Saturday night we got a real treat, 2 for 1 tickets at the Grizzlies hockey game! We didn't know it was going to be half price, we just went to the game and were surprised with the discount at the ticket window. Sadly, our Grizzlies goalie got beat pretty soundly by the Long Beach Ice Dog's goalie and the final score was 6-2, Ice Dogs.
Today was another adventure, in support of a Utah State college student who isn't related to me. It seems that Noah's newest girlfriend's sister had purchased a 2nd hand piano and needed help moving it into her shared apartment. Turns out the sisters had enough money to buy a piano or a car and the piano won the toss. Noah volunteered my truck for the moving but that meant taking off the tonneau cover and I really didin't want to have to do that.
So I borrowed friend Jim's trailer and that turned out to be a really smart plan. Once we arranged the two sisters, Noah and three more college guys to do the heavy lifting, we drove up to get the piano. The seller had room enough to back the trailer into the garage so we could load up without getting everything soaked by the pouring rain and then we covered it up with a new tarp, (I bought) and headed back to the girl's apartment. We were able to disconnect the trailer and use it like a dolly to move the piano between two houses and across a soaked yard and backed the ramp right up to the front step. Perfect!
But the whole trip sure ate up all the afternoon by the time I got back to town, returned Jim's trailer and made it back home. I ground coffee for work and ran the laundry machines and read part of a new guitar book that I also found time to buy this afternoon.
Now- I'm tired! And my guitar practice has really suffered this weekend for all my other activities!